Tamara Von Forslun - A Featured Presenter with HexFest 2024

Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day
and the Witches of New Orleans

Tamara Von Forslun

Tamara Von Forslun, also known as 'The Witch of Oz,' is a prominent figure in Australian Witchcraft and serves as the Matriarch of the Tribe of the Crow - Clan of Boskednan Church of the Old Religion. She was initiated into the Clan of Boskednan on June 26, 1970, by David the 5th.

In 1976, she joined the Fellowship of Isis (FOI), led by Lady Olivia and Lord Lawrence Durden Robertson in Ireland. Following intensive training, she traveled to Ireland and was ordained a Priestess of the FOI in 1981. Around this time, she began a correspondence with Raymond Buckland, the Father of American Witchcraft, who gave her the moniker 'The Witch of Oz.' He later became an important advisor and mentor to Tamara.

Tamara was also a passionate dancer and joined 'The Vegas Follies' as a professional dancer, becoming a Principal Dancer for several shows worldwide. In 1978, she was initiated into the Alexandrian Tradition of Wicca by Simon Goodman and Michelin.

Drawn to Pete Pathfinder, Tamara was affiliated with the ATC, becoming an Ordained High Priestess and later appointed as the Arch Priestess of the ATC in Australia in 1994. Since 1978, she has been the Matriarch of the Clan of Boskednan Church of the Old Religion, which continues to operate in various countries.

Tamara has been featured in numerous documentaries and has been interviewed by global television and radio stations.

Visit Tamara Von Forslun online at tamaravonforslun.com

Tamara Von Forslun has a table in our Vending Area!

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Workshops for 2024

The Magic Circle and Ritual Dance and Music
Saturday, Aug 10, 9:00am
St Mary Salon 2 [map]

The Magic Circle & The Buckland Romany Tarot
Sunday, Aug 11, 9:00am
St Ann Cottage 1 [map]

Witchcraft of Boskednan - The Lost Magic of Cornwall
Sunday, Aug 11, 10:45am
St Mary Salon 1 [map]