Tonya Brown - A Featured Presenter with HexFest 2024

Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day
and the Witches of New Orleans

Tonya Brown

Tonya A. Brown lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, where she is the editor-in-chief of Witch Way Magazine, author of The Door to Witchcraft, and writer and host of the podcast The Witch Daily Show. She also has edited various books, including The Glam Witch by Michael Herkes. Tonya is a Lenormand reader, medium, and magical guide for other witches. She loves spirit work, cooking magic, and various forms of kitchen witchery.

Visit Tonya Brown online at

Tonya Brown has a table in our Vending Area!

Click here to register for HexFest 2024!

Workshops for 2024

The Magic of Dreams
Saturday, Aug 10, 10:45am
St Ann Cottage 2 [map]