Developing Your Mediumship Skills - A HexFest Workshop with Leanne Marrama!
August 9 - 11, 2019 at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day, and the Witches of New Orleans


Dream Interpretation

Featuring Leanne Marrama and Sandra Mariah Wright

Not Available in 2019


This event may return for future years. [map]

Full Schedule

Sleep is vital for all of us. While we sleep, our spirit travels, receives messages, and communicates with Spirit. These messages come forth in the form of dreams. We can travel to another world, or gain valuable insight into what is happening in our present one. For Leanne, dream interpretation is a family gift. Her grandmother introduced her to it as a child. For Sandra, dreams have guided her to some of the most important decisions of her life, and she has helped her students and clients decipher what their unconscious is trying to tell them.

  • Learn how to gain control of your dreams so you can obtain strength in the waking world.
  • Discover how to remember your dreams.
  • Identify recurring themes and what they mean.
  • Put down the dream dictionaries and understand the messages that spirits are communicating with you as you sleep.

    Click here to register for HexFest 2019!