Developing Your Mediumship Skills - A HexFest Workshop with Leanne Marrama!
August 9 - 11, 2019 at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day, and the Witches of New Orleans


Developing Your Mediumship Skills

Featuring Leanne Marrama

Not Available in 2019


This event may return for future years. [map]

Full Schedule

Leanne Marrama is a psychic medium who has worked at Hex Old World Witchery in Salem since it opened. Leanne will help those who are interested in beginning to develop their psychic mediumship skills. She will guide you to make a connection with your ancestors, spirit guides, and loved ones.

  • Learn what it means to be a psychic medium.
  • Heighten your awareness so you can see Spirit.
  • Open up so you can recognize the various entities that affect you.
  • Begin to work with automatic writing.
  • Access free writing that comes to your mind at the moment the messages arrive from spirit and those who have crossed over.
  • Leanne will be able to help you help others with the mystery of communication with the dead.

    Click here to register for HexFest 2019!